Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 0 comments

There is no gainsaying the fact that joblessness or call it unemployment is usually the nightmare of most graduates across the globe. In a bid to disentangle oneself from the biting grips of this ugly situation, most jobless folks have adopted different approaches from the conventional to the radical. Here are three pictures of three jobless folks in three different climes, one here in Nigeria, the other in Tunisia and another in UK. 

In the first picture we can see an unemployed graduate of Mechanical Engineering from Ekiti State University, Mr. Sunday Omotayo, being pleaded with by a police officer to get up after he allegedly jumped out of a speeding Toyota Hiace expecting to be crushed by oncoming vehicles.

According to him: “There is no state that I have not gone to in search of a job in the past 10 years. I came to Akwa Ibom because this is my last hope because of the stories of Governor Godswill Akpabio and his uncommon transformation. I came with the hope that with what is going on in the state, getting a job would be easy so that I can begin to be a man. But since I came, I discovered that many people from Akwa Ibom are also crying because of poverty and joblessness.”

In the second picture, we can see twenty-six-year-old Mohamed Bouazizi shortly before he died from burns he sustained after setting himself on fire. He was said to be living in the provincial town of Sidi Bouzid, had a university degree but no work. To earn some money he took to selling fruit and vegetables in the street without a licence. When the authorities stopped him and confiscated his produce, he was so angry that he set himself on fire
The riots and demonstrations that have swept through Tunisia during the past 10 days also began with a small incident. 
Rioting followed and security forces sealed off the town. On Wednesday, another jobless young man in Sidi Bouzid climbed an electricity pole, shouted "no for misery, no for unemployment", then touched the wires and electrocuted himself. The reactions to these events in Tunisia quickly spiralled out of control and snowballed into the Arab Spring that Swept away Muommar Gaddafi & Hosni Mubarrack of Libya and Egypt from power.

For Mr Sunday and Mohamed Bouazizi as well as Sidi Bouzid , hopelessness had set in after years of joblessness and hence their choice to express their frustration in the manner they did. But that was not obviously the case with Alfred, who graduated in May and have been applying for jobs ever since. Though Alfred has been finding it very difficult at the moment, one morning however, Alfred stood at the entrance to a busy station holding a sign that read: 'Marketing graduate (BA Hons 2:1 Coventry Uni) Ask for CV.' 

Alfred's direct approach received a warm response from commuters, with many stopping to discuss potential positions. According to him, he realised that there are thousands of students out there using the same old methods of applying for jobs on-line and through recruitment agencies and so I thought I'd try something different.
'I got up early and went to the station he said. At first people just looked at me but after about 10 minutes people starting stopping and talking. They said they'd never seen anything like it before and were really impressed.

As I write, another batch of corpers have just left the orientation camp. For some of these corpers, especially those of them that will come to terms with the reality inherent in the distorted acronym of NYSC as "Now Your Suffering Continues"; the morale lesson from these stories is for them to confront the situations the find themselves with approaches that are not only acceptable to the climes they find themselves but approaches that wont be counter-productive. 

If out of frustration, a Nigerian graduate decides to tow the line of the Tunisian duo of Mohamed Bouazizi as well as Sidi Bouzid both of whom took their lives in order to draw attention to their plights, that fellow can be rest assured of a double jeopardy in the sense that he or she wont only have failed to better his lot or that of others but will also be dismissed as an outright failure because our society does not approve of such suicidal missions. Thank goodness that Mr. Sunday Omotayo's suicidal mission was not successful but even if he had been crushed by incoming vehicles as he had wished, he would just be dismissed as a lazy man and thus confined to the ash bin of history. 

Alfred's direct approach in UK may have received a warm response from commuters, with many stopping to discuss potential job offers but the success of such approach will be minimal here in Nigeria. The reason being that the jobs are not just there. What we need is a new orientation towards job creation or self employment. While this may be a hard nut to sell, it surely remains the best option for any graduate that would not like to be frustrated.


British soldier buys boy a new face

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, August 2, 2014 0 comments
Soldier buys boy a new faceA British soldier who spotted a boy with a terrible deformity while on patrol in Bosnia has spent ten years fundraising to finally deliver his promise of giving him - a new FACE.
Staff Sergeant Wayne Ingram, 44, met four-year-old Stefan Savic a decade ago while on peacekeeping duties in Eastern Europe.
The youngster was born with a debilitating condition Tessier facial cleft which meant his eyes were 4.5cm further apart than normal and he had no proper nose.
But father-of-two Wayne, formerly of the 9th/12th Royal Lancers, was so moved by Stefan's plight he vowed to get him state-of-the-art medical help.
He collected an amazing £85,000 with a fundraising drive across Bosnia and the UK before bringing Stefan back to London's Great Ormond Street Hospital in 2003.
The youngster underwent 12 hours of surgery with plastic surgeon David Dunaway who cut his face in half before moving his eyes closer together and building him a nose.
The op was a success but Mr Dunaway warned that a second surgery would be needed a decade later.
Just a normal, playful little boy
Determined Wayne kept in touch with Stefan and his parents Slavenka, 36, and Milos, 44, raising a further £20,000 to bring him back to the UK to finish his treatment.
Stefan, now aged 14, returned to Great Ormond Street this week for his second operation with Mr Dunaway to improve his face and help his breathing.
Modest Wayne, from Weymouth, Dorset, said he was just happy to complete the remarkable job of helping Stefan lead the life of a normal little boy.
He said: "I was on a routine patrol In Bosnia when I was introduced to his father and went to meet Stefan.
"The condition had been left untreated and had grown between Stefan’s eyes, crushing his skull, forcing his eyes apart to the point he couldn’t see what was ahead of him.
"But aside from the facial deformities he was just a normal, playful little boy. He was confident and cheeky, climbing all over me as we played football in the yard.
"He was too young then to be self-aware. But his facial cleft was blocking his airways and without medical attention could kill him.
"I had two young sons myself at the time and there was no way I could stand back and do nothing. I knew in an instant I had to do everything I could to help."
Massive fundraising drive
As Wayne set about raising funds, he wrote to a long list of celebrities - but only David Beckham replied, politely explaining he had already chosen his charities for that year.
Mr Dunaway was offering his services for free but Wayne still needed to pay for flights, accommodation for the family, as well as essential hospital costs.
He raised 6,000 Euros by staging a charity football match in Banja Luka, with Muslim, Serb and Croat players setting aside their conflicts to help Stefan.
And back in the UK, Wayne launched a massive fundraising drive, persuading his local Asda to put collection boxes beside their tills.
Wayne said: "Donations poured in and I was bowled over by the generosity.
"Stefan needed three operations back then - one to remove his teeth, another to reconstruct his nose and another to reconstruct his skull.
"He was back and forth to the UK many times, staying for as long as a month at a time.
"The doctors warned us it wasn’t over, however, and that ten years later Stefan would need follow up surgery.
"But we have kept in touch ever since and as ten years neared I let Stefan’s family know I would raise the necessary funds - over £20,000."
As Wayne set about raising a second lot of cash to pay for visas, hospital costs and flights, he was once more amazed by people's generosity.
In his native Dorset one anonymous donor, calling herself simply ‘the kind granny' contributed a "large, undisclosed" amount.
And this time celebs including comic Jim Davidson and musician Billy Bragg also answered his SOS.
Honouring a promise
With the funding in place, brave Stefan underwent his four-hour follow-up operation with Mr Dunaway on Saturday and is making a good recovery.
Mr Dunaway, who once more waived his fees, said: "This operation was really about reconstructing his nose and improving his nasal airway.
"His nose was very wide and he basically didn't have a tip to it at all.
"We took a cartilage from one rib, fashioned it into the shape of a nose, then used it to reconstruct his nose.
"This will allow him to breath more easily, eat more easily, it will improve his speech and he will look much more like the rest of us.
"To have the opportunity to greet him again and finish it off so he can lead a normal life and not worry about these things is just great."
Stefan will likely need a further operation on his nose and orthodontics to realign his teeth before one final surgery to correct the roof of his mouth.
Wayne, who was so inspired by Stefan's medical progress he became a paramedic after leaving the army, says he'll be there every step of the way.
Wayne, whose own sons Harry and Toby are now 18 and 16, added: "Stefan has never moaned or complained the whole time I've known him.
"His mum says that after his latest operation he looked in front of the mirror and said: 'this is the best thing that has ever happened to me'.
"For me this was about honouring a promise I made all those years ago and doing everything I could for Stefan.
"He's changed my life as well and inspired me to become a paramedic. We'll always have an inseparable bond."
Wayne's fundraising efforts have been supported by the Facing the World charity, which provides life-changing surgery to children from developing countries with severe facial disfigurements.
To make a donation visit facingtheworld.net

What Is Octogoat?

Posted by Unknown On Friday, August 1, 2014 1 comments
No Kidding! Baby Goat Has Eight Legs
A goat born in Croatia this week had one befuddled farmer questioning his own eyes when he counted eight legs on the kid.
Nicknamed "octogoat," the baby also had both male and female reproductive organs, leading local vets to believe that the newborn's condition was a result of an under-developed twin, ITV reported today.
"I counted his legs and I thought I was seeing things. Then I called my neighbor to make sure that I am not crazy," farmer Zoran Paparic told inSerbia.
He said his goat Sarka gave birth to the kid at his farm in Kutjevo, in northeast Croatia.
It's unlikely the goat will survive, the vets said, but Paparic said he would keep the goat as a pet if it survives.
Source ABC News