January 2, 2013, (
LifeSiteNews.com) – When Alicia Atkins posted a photo taken by her husband during her recent c-section on Facebook, she thought it would only be viewed by a handful of friends. Instead it has drawn the attention of thousands of complete strangers, as well as the media.
The remarkable photo shows Alicia’s newborn daughter, Nevaeh (“heaven” spelled backwards) reaching out and grasping the gloved fingers of a doctor.
Already the photo has been viewed thousands of times, and is rapidly being shared on Facebook.
“We didn’t think we were going to get such positive feedback,” Alicia recently told a local news station. “We thought we would get more negative, ‘That’s disgusting.’”
Instead “everybody just thought it was the best thing in the world.”
Alicia posted her photo on December 26. At the time she wrote:
This was 10 weeks ago when I was having my c-section and Dr. Sawyer broke my water and my daughter reached up out of my stomach and grabbed the Dr.‘s finger and my hubby caught this special moment.
“I am in awe of this photo,” Alicia said, adding, “Something to remember forever.”
The happy mom also thanked her obstetrician and said she has had the photo printed on canvas to give to the doctor.
Alicia’s husband, Randy, described the moment he took the photo. “The doctor called me over and said, ‘Hey, she’s grabbing my finger,’” Randy told
“So I ran over there and just grabbed the shot, and I was just in awe looking at it. It was such an amazing picture.”
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